Monday, February 11, 2013

"Let Go or Be Dragged", The 30 day meditation challenge.

One of the greatest spiritual tools I possess comes from actively working the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 11th step encourages us to take on a morning meditation. "The eleventh step says that we do this in part “to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand Him,” that is, so that we can learn how to go through every day of our lives being continually aware of God’s presence with us and around us in everything that we do. So we need to be aware of God’s presence while we are meditating, and practice at this, so that we can carry this awareness with us throughout the rest of the day." Taking time out for morning meditation has allowed me to feel more grounded in my purpose on this planet and more connected to my higher power. I know this practice makes a difference in how my day goes AND I don't always take the 5-20 minutes it requires to do it."

Today I am challenging myself to take 15 minutes each morning for prayers and meditations. My meditation practice begins with a prayer, then I read AA approved literature or something that is spiritually inspirational or provocative, then I sit for 5-10 minutes, and I conclude with a journal entry. This is my journal entry from yesterday, I was meditating on letting go of that which does not serve me. "Holding onto hurt and fear, why is so hard to let go? What really is the fear? Think....sit it.
It is....fear of not being met, being misunderstood, disappointed, disconnected, alone, frustrated. This is the fear, this is what I hold onto. What would happen if I let go? I can't say for sure, but it may be something different? I won't know unless I let go. How? What does letting go really look like, what does it mean, what do I do? So afraid to move forward, afraid I won't be met. God, I turn my will and my life over to you so that I may better do your will. Help me let go so I can connect with others and live in your light and love.

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