"Accept the things I cannot change"
"Let go or be dragged"
"Drop the rope"

FIRST, ACCEPT THINGS EXACTLY AS THEY ARE, WITHOUT JUDGMENT OF YOUR FEELINGS. NOTICE YOUR ANGER, DISAPPOINTMENT, FEAR, LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR BODY IS TRYING TO TELL YOU. My beloved professor, Alex Onno, would remind us that symptoms were post cards from the soul, and that whatever is happening in our body is important information. We are often quick to push away, judge, or reject whatever we are feeling. Just listen and notice. How about a little self compassion? Don't know what that is, read my post in January on being compassionate with yourself. The old adage is true, you gotta love yourself before you can love another.

For me, the big lesson in creating change means complete acceptance of things exactly the way they are. Before I start making judgments about the way I think things should be or how this wasn't how I hoped it to be, I remind myself that I am "exactly where I am suppose to be". In my spiritual practice this means that I turn it over to God, I quit trying to run the show, and I cultivate a little more faith. I do not do this without resistance, I often struggle and stay stuck, but I keep trying and I am rewarded with the gift of deeper understanding about myself and the presence of God.

Oh, I never answered the "then what part." I will post about solution focused action next. This is your first challenge in acceptance.
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