Monday, January 21, 2013

My Graduation Commencement Speech, January 19th, 2013 at Bastyr Chapel

When I first thought about making this speech, I was overwhelmed and a bit anxious about having only five minutes to make the most important speech of my life. When I reflected more deeply on my task, I realized that this wasn’t the most important speech I’d ever make in my life, that speech would need to be at least seven minutes.

As we leave here, we’re all going to be making the most important speech of our lives, and we’re going to make it over and over again. We’re going to do it every time we take the time to get to know somebody, to look them in the eyes, to treat them with respect, compassion, and empathy. Now that we share this responsibility, my anxiety has lifted, and I can relax a little.

Every time we make a connection and bring our authentic selves to a conversation or a meeting - every time we join with another person, and are truly present - we make the most important speech of our lives.

We do this when we show up in the world with intention.
We do this when we are deliberate about the quality of the connections we make with the people in our lives.
We do this when we are aware of our impact on others.
We do this simply by being present in the moment.

In sharing this responsibility, the importance of me, one person standing before you today, became less significant, and what really became important was the power that each of us has to impact change in the world and the magnitude of the impact we can make with the amazing tools that were given to us in our time at LIOS. (For the record, they weren't just given to us, we had to work for them.)

As a cohort, we were asked to take a leap of faith and step outside of our comfort zones. We were asked to let go of old stories, assumptions and habits, and to be fully open to discovering a new way of being alive in the world. We learned to listen for our true vocation and found our purpose on the planet. A deep desire to serve emerged from our shared experience as a cohort when our faculty called on us to think about where our deep hunger met the world’s deep need. Broken hearts were mended and made whole. Vulnerabilities were revealed, and when we looked into each other’s eyes, with respect, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard, we saw the universal longing to belong and to be a part of. We found that on the other side of fear was love. The divide between us grew smaller and our connection grew stronger. We were transformed.

Love is the antidote to the disconnect that keeps us in fear, the antidote that will bring us closer as a community so we can begin to heal, a healing that is so desperately needed in these unprecedented times of violence and unrest in the world. Love is the most powerful weapon we possess as human beings. Love requires us to trust, it asks us to let go of certainty, and it invites curiosity.

We have been asked to take risks in the service of learning, and I’m calling on our class to continue to let love guide us through the challenges that lie ahead. As Alex reminded us, the work that we do as therapists and practitioners is not for the faint of heart. We are going to need a lot of love on our journey.

I believe so deeply that love is at the core of what we need to heal the world. We don’t need any more evidence; we don’t need another political party, or another religious body; all we need is the spirit of love and compassion. When I look around this room, I see no shortage of love - let us capitalize on this and make miracles happen. Let’s take risks in the service of love, and go out and change the world. Are you with me?

Before I close, I invite everyone gathered here today to consider a few simple ways you can begin to make a difference in the world:

 Talk to strangers
 Question your assumptions
 Be curious
 Practice gratitude
 Take a radical stand for social justice.
 Don’t wait to move towards love, don’t wait until the time is right, the time may never feel right, just take the first step, no matter how small
 Speak your truth from a place of respect and compassion, not to be right, but to be a part of the conversation.
 Really get to know who is at the table and be aware of who is missing.
 Be courageous and trust that little voice inside of you that says something isn’t right; and in the works of Audre Lorde, “Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.” Trust yourself.
 And most importantly. . . .remember to breath.

We could not have come this far without our incredible faculty who led us through this amazing labyrinth of growth and awakening. We are deeply grateful for your guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. We could not have dreamed up a more amazing group of teachers to guide us on this journey.

To our friends and families who supported us through the ups and downs of this crazy learning experience. Thank you.

I will close with the Tree of Life Blessing by Shiloh Sopia McCloud:
May you choose outrageous actions that challenge who you are
and encourage who you are becoming.
May you take one step, however small,
toward that which you have always longed for.
Now is the "right time."
May you recognize the unique and powerful contribution
that you bring to the people whose lives you touch.
May you be as wonderful as you really are,
and do things because you want to,
not just because you should.
May you celebrate your creativity
and believe that you are an
artist with a unique vision that no one else has.
May you find peace and purpose and possibility
amidst the chaos
while remaining aware of the unrest in the world.
May you reach towards the Spirit
with a longing that keeps
you awake to the miracles available all around you.
May your faith move any mountains
that stand in your way
and bring you great teachers to awaken your understanding.
May you give up shame, guilt and self-neglect
and replace them with qualities like freedom,
integrity and self-nurturing.
May you offer the gifts and blessings
of your soul work
to beings of the world
when the time is ripe for you to release them.
May you passionately and deeply love and be loved
by someone who can see who you really are.
May your body speak to you and teach you
how to care for the temple
that houses your bright spirit.
May you walk gently on the earth
and honor your hearth and family
with your action and your rest.
May you find and enjoy the fruit of abundance
so that your life path can be fortified and furthered.
May you embrace the Tree of Life
and be informed by the wisdom
she brings to those on her path.
May LOVE be at the center of all your choices
and may you, with me,
send this blessing to all beings.

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